MEJC Provincial Election Report Card

In an effort to learn more about the provincial parties' positions on climate, environment, and the Energy East pipeline, the MEJC sent a list of questions to each party. We asked for simple yes or no answers to our very clear, unequivocal questions. Most parties included some commentary along with their answers, while some avoided taking an accountable position by responding with qualifications and conditions. One party (Brian Pallister's Progressive Conservatives) refused to participate at all despite numerous requests by email, telephone, and in person. We have included here our final report card as well as each party's complete response, together with a brief response from MEJC.

To view the full report card, please click this link: MEJC report card all v2

Veronique Veronique

About Veronique Veronique

Grassroots citizens' group working to bring #climate justice to Manitoba. #GreenMB #ClimateAction #ClimateJustice #Wetsuwetenstrong #StopLine3 #RBCisKillingMe
MEJC Provincial Election Report Card
MEJC Provincial Election Report Card