Indigenous resistance stopped the KXL Pipeline, Line 3 is next

November 12, 2018 - Statement on behalf of Spirit of the Buffalo Camp and MEJC

This past Thursday marked a landmark victory for Indigenous rights and environmental protection on Turtle Island with the stop of the Keystone XL pipeline. A federal judge in Montana ordered an injunction to stop construction on TransCanada’s KXL.

Congratulations to the Indigenous Environmental Network (IEN), the North Coast Rivers Alliance (NCRA), and other Indigenous communities and organizations who have led the fight against this destructive project in the courts and on the land for years! A huge thank you to everyone involved.

This victory over the KXL pipeline shows the power of this movement. This ruling - similar to that on Trans Mountain in recent months - illuminates the faulty review processes that these pipelines are being approved under, which don’t properly consider impacts on people and the environment. They also show the commitment of Indigenous and allied organizers to exposing these faulty processes and standing up for the earth.

This is a victory for the movement to protect our lands and waters on the frontlines of pipeline development and tar sands expansion across the land. Justice for the earth and water means no new pipeline construction. The stopping of KXL is just the beginning, and Trans Mountain and Line 3 pipelines are next.

Here in Dakota traditional territory on the US/Canada border the Spirit of the Buffalo camp is peacefully resisting the expansion of the Line 3 pipeline. The camp was established in July this year and is now undergoing transformation into its winter form, with the construction of a winterized Environmental Injustice Education Lodge. This will be a place for teachers and students, community members, and people of all backgrounds to come and learn in support of peaceful protection of the land.

“By taking action, in a peaceful way, we can change the course we’re on and create a new path forward for all people on these lands,” said Geraldine McManus, founder of Spirit of the Buffalo which sits directly above the Line 3 pipeline. “We’re doing this for our children and the unborn.”

Enbridge has promoted Line 3 as a necessary replacement project for its aging pipeline, however in reality is represents an expansion of infrastructure to increase capacity. We are in a time when we need to transition off of fossil fuels as quickly as possible, and building new oil infrastructures is not an option.

We must continue to stand up together in defence of the lands, waters, and a safe future for our children. In that we all have a role to play.  We are winning this fight collectively. And we must keep going, with the strength of your support. Join us!

Donate to Spirit of the Buffalo camp: https://www.mbenergyjustice.org/spirit_of_the_buffalo_camp_h

Follow the camp on facebook for updates: https://www.facebook.com/SpiritoftheBuffalo

Join the Manitoba Energy Justice Coalition: https://www.mbenergyjustice.org/volunteer

Sign up for MEJC’s newsletter to stay informed: https://www.mbenergyjustice.org/mailinglistsignup

Laura Cameron

About Laura Cameron

Indigenous resistance stopped the KXL Pipeline, Line 3 is next
Indigenous resistance stopped the KXL Pipeline, Line 3 is next