$11,835.00 raised
GOAL: $5,000.00

This page is for one time donations. If you would like to become a monthly sustainer, please go here. 

MEJC relies on the generosity of its members and supporters to achieve our goals. We are excited you are considering donating to our work. You can rest assured any donation you make goes towards educating and mobilizing Manitobans to demand that human rights and social justice be central to our energy systems.

We are committed to the core principles of environmental justice and energy democracy. 

We want you to remember MEJC is not a charity. We decided during the Harper years that we needed the freedom to do whatever it took to stop the tar sands and pipeline expansion. We knew charity status was a golden straight-jacket preventing the most effective community organizing we could do. So we can't give you a tax receipt. But this is why your donation matters even more to us. We can't get charity funding, we need support from people like you.

Thank you for your on going support. Currently all donations are set up to go through our paypal account. 

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