Thank you for your interest in helping to address climate change by supporting the MEJC. Whether you volunteered in the past with MEJC or just signed up to volunteer more recently. We need many active people like you to have an impact. There is lots to do. Transforming our economy and way of living on our planet is the defining issue of our time.
I am excited to be hired to coordinate volunteers for MEJC. My role is to set up recruitment, training and organizing MEJC volunteer activists. I hope to get to know your skills and interests to match you with roles that will be best for you and for MEJC
Activist/Volunteer Orientation and Training Tuesday, April 2, 2019 6:30 at University of Winnipeg at the HIVE. Main Floor Lockhart Hall, off Ellice Ave.
Let me tell you more about our volunteer orientation that is coming up on March 13. It is located at the University of Winnipeg.
This will be a chance to get together with other folks in Winnipeg who are concerned about climate change and like yourself want to take collective action.
The orientation will include:
- Brief background on MEJC
- A primer on climate change and energy justice
- Overview of volunteer opportunities, and small group orientation to various jobs.
- Introduction to Voluntary Simplicity or Mindful Sufficiency and self-care during climate change.
We need activists to work on:
- Communications – helping with our social media, web site, media monitoring and media relations.
- Outreach – hosting a table at community events, creating partner contact lists, phoning supporters.
- Research - tracking down information for campaign fact sheets, training events and communications.
- Fundraising – searching out grants and writing grant proposals, or helping to organize fundraising events.
- Volunteer management and data entry – we are building a movement of Manitobans for climate justice.
- Advocacy - planning campaigns, meeting with decision makers, building allies through community presentations.
- Design and Art work - creating campaign graphics, posters, banners, and signs, building props.
- Campaign work for Responsible Hydro and A Fossil Free Future!
Please use the RSVP button to let us know you can make it. And don't hesitate to bring a friend or two.
For more check out our website at and our social media.
Thanks for your energy and commitment to making a difference. Like the student strikers recently said, “there is no planet B”.