We Support Fair & Effective Carbon Pricing!

 Make Polluters Pay for Climate Change Solutions! 


Goal: 1,000

We, the undersigned, call on Premier Brian Pallister and Manitoba’s Progressive Conservative government to immediately put forward a carbon pricing plan for public input that will help put our province on a path to reducing our carbon footprint and transitioning to a renewable energy economy.  

Revenue from placing a price on carbon – and making polluters pay – is a massive opportunity that can stimulate growth of the green economy with support for: 

  • Increased technological innovation by local businesses, social enterprises, family farms and community food initiatives;

  • Construction of low-impact renewable energy projects such as wind, solar, geothermal and battery storage; and

  • Investments in electric vehicle charging stations, public transit and active transportation/cycling infrastructure.

We believe that Manitoba’s carbon pricing plan should not be used to subsidize the government’s election commitments to reduce taxes and the deficit, but should help lower income households adapt to lower carbon activities, and provide workers with the training and education needed for a just transition to green jobs. 

Will you sign?

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We Support Fair & Effective Carbon Pricing!