Our Rights When Interacting with Police
In this event hosted by Community Engaged Learning at the University of Manitoba, Danielle H. Morrison will be helping us learn about our rights when interacting with police in everyday life and during community actions.
To register for this free online workshop, please visit: http://umanitoba.ca/community-engaged-learning/praxis
(scroll to the bottom)
This is part of the Mutual Aid & Community Advocacy workshop series running on Thursday evenings from 6:00-8:30 p.m. from November 5 - December 10, 2020.
Find the full list of workshops here: https://www.facebook.com/celumanitoba/events/
The MACA series is presented by Poverty Awareness & Community Action and Community Engaged Learning and funded by the Community Incentives grant, which is administered by the Spence Neighbourhood Association and supported by Neighbourhoods Alive!

Will you come?

Please RSVP: Our Rights When Interacting with Police
Our Rights When Interacting with Police