Manitobans Demand NEB Cancel Energy East Review


We paid a visit to the Winnipeg Free Press Cafe to deliver a message to National Energy Board Chair Peter Watson on behalf of 60 Organizations. We were proud to be able to project the voices of people from across the continent opposed to the expansion of the tar sands.

Read the letter we gave to Peter Watson HERE

After, Watson fielded questions from the Free Press editorial board. Questions like: How can a group with so many connections to the industry it is supposed to regulate ever be perceived as a credible?

Manitobans should be allowed a say in the process of moving fossil fuels across the province. Especially when the NEB refuses to discuss climate change when they review projects. Alex Paterson of the MEJC lays out the importance of this in his editorial printed in the Winnipeg Free Press HERE.

Read coverage of our action in the Free Press News Cafe HERE.


Kaitlyn Duthie-Kannikkatt

About Kaitlyn Duthie-Kannikkatt

Grassroots citizens' group working to bring #climate justice to Manitoba. #GreenMB #ClimateAction #ClimateJustice #Wetsuwetenstrong #StopLine3 #RBCisKillingMe
Manitobans Demand NEB Cancel Energy East Review
Manitobans Demand NEB Cancel Energy East Review