No Frac Sand Mining: Online Film Screening
Do you want to learn more about how Frac Sand mining will affect you and your community?
Join us for a free online screening of “Camp Morningstar” (16 min) and ”The Price of Sand: Silica Mines, Small Towns, & Money” (58 min) followed by discussion led by people from the potentially affected communities.
When: Friday January 21st 2022 - 7:00 PM
Where: online
Why: to learn about the impact of Frac Sand mining and how to take further action
Please register below in order to receive more details about the event, including how to access the online film screening.
Want to take action now (if you have not already) sign and send a letter to Manitoban politicians.
January 21, 2022 07:00 PM - 09:00 PM