Join us this Wednesday to tell your MP that we need urgent climate action in line with the science.
A recent report by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change states that in order to limit warming to 1.5C to avoid "far reaching" catastrophic climate change, state leaders need to take immediate and drastic action. The report states that Canada needs to cut its emissions by nearly half in the next 12 years.
Last week, Members of Parliament held an emergency session to debate courses of action on climate change in light of this report. And right now is a critical moment to keep this momentum building for ambitious action on climate.
That's why on Wednesday Oct 24th - one year before the next federal election - hundreds of people across the country will take action to hand deliver the UN’s report to Members of Parliament all over the country along with an urgent call to action.
Will you join us in delivering the report to your MP?
Here is our schedule of deliveries:
9:00am - Jim Carr - Winnipeg South Centre
10:00am - Terry Duguid- Winnipeg South
10:45am - Dan Vandal - St. Boniface St. Vital
11:30am - Robert Falcon-Oulette - Winnipeg Centre
12:15pm - MaryAnn Mihychuk - Kildonan St Paul
2:45pm - Kevin Lamoureux - Winnipeg North
If you would like to go to another MP's office, or go at a different time, you can print out this letter, this report and sign up on this map to go on your own. Don't forget to take a picture with your MP's office staff and post online with the hashtag #1point5Ca.
RSVP here and tell us which office you plan to meet us at!
If you can't join us in person, send a letter with the report to your MP through this page on our website. We have drafted a letter which you can sign and send, or modify and personalize.