JUNE 7th 12:00 PM
What: Students protest government inaction on climate change
When: Friday June 7th 2019, 12:00pm
Where: Manitoba Legislative Building
Who: Elementary to High School students, various schools, YOU
What can I do to help?
1- Join the Climate Strikers at the Manitoba Legislature at NOON on June 7th. Bring signs to let our provincial decision-makers and all of Winnipeg know what you think and feel about climate change. Dress for the weather!
2- Start your own Climate Strike with students at your school. Can't make it to the legislature? Look for your local MP or MLA's office! Register your Strike to let everyone know that you’re a part of this important movement and to encourage other kids to speak up and let their voices be heard.
3- If you’re not allowed to miss school for the Climate Strike, support Climate Strikers on social media, and contribute to the conversation with your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Use #ClimateStrike, #FridaysForFuture, and #YouthRising hashtags! Every young voice is important whether you can be at an event or not.
The four recommendations for the youth climate strikes are:
- Youth should be the spokespersons, with adults as helpers and supporters. help.
- The main message is, “Adults are jeopardizing our future”.
- Please treat all politicians with respect .
- Strike near city hall, a government building, or a politician’s office.