What can I do to help?
1- Join the Climate Strikers at 601 Corydon Ave, Winnipeg South Centre (Liberal) MP Jim Carr’s constituency office, at 1:30pm on Friday Dec 7th. Make protest signs to let Mr Carr and all of Winnipeg know what you think and feel about climate change. Dress for the weather!
2- Start your own Climate Strike near city hall or a government building if transportation to Mr Carr’s office is a problem. March to your own politician’s office! Register your Strike to let everyone know that you’re a part of this important movement and to encourage other kids to speak up and let their voices be heard.
3- If you’re not allowed to miss school for the Climate Strike, support Climate Strikers on social media, and contribute to the conversation with your thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Use #ClimateStrike, #FridaysForFuture, and #YouthRising hashtags! Every young voice is important whether you can be at an event or not.
The four recommendations for the youth climate strikes are:
- Youth should be the spokespersons, with adults as helpers and supporters. help.
- The main message is, “Adults are jeopardizing our future”.
- Please treat all politicians with respect .
- Strike near city hall, a government building, or a politician’s office.
Greta Thunberg
In Sweden 15-yr old Greta Thunberg, frustrated by inadequate action on climate change, stopped going to school and began sitting outside of Swedish parliament in protest.
At first, Greta was Climate Striking alone - but no more. Youth across the world have been joining Greta and Winnipeg youth are too! More than 20,000 students in 270 towns and cities across the world have participated so far.
Greta herself is an invitee to the COP24 climate negotiations in Poland right now, where she gave a speech to the UN Secretary General and the assembled world leaders (watch the video of Greta’s powerful speech at the end of this e-mail). The Climate Strike has shifted to an every-Friday protest to enable more kids to participate, under the hashtag #FridaysForFuture.
Canadian Youth Stand Up
Here in Canada, Sophia Mathur (age 11, of Sudbury Ontario) was an early Climate Strike joiner back in August. On November 30th, teenagers in 9 Canadian cities joined the Climate Strike under the hashtag #YouthRising and occupied their MPs’ constituency offices demanding increased climate action. Winnipeg joins the movement starting Friday December 7th.
We at Manitoba Energy Justice Coalition would like to emphasize to all adults that the Climate Strike is a youth-led movement. Winnipeg kids have initiated and planned this event, and MEJC’s sole purpose is to offer assistance where they request it, which at this moment is to use our platform to advertise the event. Please share the invitation to their Climate Strike widely to help make it a success.
What can adults do?
The youth have indicated that they feel very alone and without broad adult support. We therefore request that if you, an adult, wish to join the Climate Strikers outside Jim Carr’s office that you do so to cheer them on only. After all, if you’re an adult you can let Mr Carr know what you think on climate change any day of the year. Let’s support our children.
More Info
Video of Greta giving her speech to UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres at COP24 in Katowice, Poland -
Video of Greta giving a speech at the Extinction Rebellion in London
COP24: Swedish teen activist tells world leaders they are 'behaving like children'
Fifteen-year-old Swedish activist Greta Thunberg has spoken at the COP24 summit.